Employee Attributes



 Communication and Employability (P1)


Rainbow Light is a small charity that supports clients who have problems with their sight and need help in using ICT. I have been asked to create a blog called Communication and Employability for IT.
I have been asked to explain two different attributes, Specific and General and what is involved in both.
Attributes are characteristics that distinguish you from other people
Specific: A specific attribute is something that you inherit; It is something you aspire to.
General: A general attribute is an attribute that you can learn.



General and Specific Attributes

Here are two examples that rainbow have chosen, one is a general attributes and the other is a specific attribute. This is what is expected at the Rainbow light charity.


General Attribute - Team work

Team work is important because you want someone who can work with other people. You do not want someone who cannot work as part of a team or work by themselves because they may cause problems and could disrupt work. Team work is important to the Rainbow Light Charity you will be working with other people at the charity. They will need to know how to communicate within the group, for example if you needed to go out to see a client you would need to tell the other people who you are working with where you are heading so they know that you are away.  The volunteers will need to work with each other to decide who goes to visit each client and on what day and time.  If a volunteer was not a good team worker – it would be much harder to organise this.
A volunteer could demonstrate team work by explaining past experience in working with people either in work on at college.  The employer is likely to ask them when they worked in a team before.


Specific Attribute - Technical knowledge

Technical knowledge is an important skill for someone to have because the employer wants someone who knows what they are doing. For example The Rainbow charity would have a lot of IT needs and when they hire someone they will want someone who has a good knowledge in IT.  They do not want to get someone who has no idea what they are doing in that role.
This is important to Rainbow Light because you will be working with computers so the volunteer will need the right qualifications and experience. They will need to know how to burn CD’s since they will be working with them. They will also be working with databases, blogs and using email so they can communicate with each other. The employees will be working with hardware such as ear phones and microphones. 
The volunteer would need to be clear on how to use the hardware and software needed to record the talking books.  This would mean making sure that the quality of the recording was alright, with no noise or ruffling. The employee will need to know how to record things onto the computer. The way they could show that they have technical knowledge they can get references from people to show what they are capable of doing.


Personal attitudes

Attitude is the way a person will view or act in situations. Rainbow Light have picked two different attitudes the charity think might be expected in the Rainbow Light. These are problem solving and dependability skills.


Problem solving

Problem solving is an important attitude to have when working because it shows that the volunteer is good with figuring problems that may arise. It can go a long way when getting a job because people can go to you when they have a problem. In Rainbow Light this will be useful if something goes wrong you could be the one who is called to help fix the problem.

We all make mistakes so if the volunteer does make these mistakes he or she will know how to deal with this problem later. Some of the problems that may arise when working are problems with recording CD’s, problems with the server that is being used when trying to upload blogs, as well as general IT problems. The volunteer will want to have the positive attitude when solving problems because it will keep the morale up with the rest of the team you are working with.



Dependable means you are trustworthy or reliable. Dependable is an important attitude to have because it can go a long way when working, it shows that you can be reliable. If someone does not show up to work or to see a client you can be the person they can count on to take on the task that needs to be achieved. It shows that you can be on time and it shows that you can get the job done. You show you can be dependable and that could be left with important documents that you can be trusted with. Example of being dependable is when someone cannot come into work and they look to you to fill in for that person who was not able to come in.  A person can show they are dependable by having references from teachers and employers to say that they are.

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