Barriers to communications
General communications barriers
Barriers in technology
The problems with technology in communicating could relate to hardware and software problems that could be:
· Problems with the computer that is being used
· Problems with the router
· Problems with the person using the computer – they may not know what they are doing for example they do not know how to log into the computer or do not know how to use the internet or access email.
· Problems with the network, internet problems with connecting to it or they could be in a bad place where the connection is not strong.
· Viruses could be another barrier because it could affect the person getting onto the computer or affect the emails they might be getting or the programs they are using in trying to communicate.
· A firewall might be a barrier since it could prevent them from using certain programs or using certain connections or ports.
The problem with relying on technology is they have to have the suitable equipment and programs installed and working. For example they would need a web cam if they want the other person to see them in a video conference or Skype or a microphone if they want the other person to hear them depending on what they are using.
In terms of software they would need something like Skype to communicate and the problem might be they do not know how to get these programs onto the computer.
When communicating with email – this might be prevented in the router isn’t working or the software has crashed. There are sometimes issues with wireless networks where the connection is not strong enough.
When recording the CD’s – the volunteer would need to know how to record the CD’s and have the software working.
Language used
When it comes to language communication there comes many barriers, such as:
· The slang the person is using – therefore the audience might lose interest in the conversation because of that since they have no idea what is being said.
· The listener might be withdrawn from the conversation because of the acronyms that are being used in the conversation and again they do not understand what they mean for example, LAN, RAM, ROM, and SMS.
· They might lose interest or lose motivation because the amount of terminology that is being used. Or the listener could become bored because you could be too simple when trying to explain what has to be done because they might think you are patronizing them.
· Another barrier in terms of language is the spoken language – if the person is speaking in a foreign language they need to make sure the audience can understand the language.
· Language is a general communication barrier, as it applied to both written and interpersonal communication types.
Interpersonal communications barriers
Body Language
One of the barriers within interpersonal communication is body language; the way you act affects the conversation for example:
· Checking the time might show you are in a hurry or want them to finish what they are talking about.
· Resting your head might show your disinterest in what the person you are meant to be listening to is saying.
· Pointing your finger at someone could be seen as you trying to show your authority to that person or it could come across as rude.
· A fake smile is a problem because it shows that you either do not care in what that person is saying or it shows that you do not like the person you might be communicating to.
Body language is a big part of having an interview, you want to make sure when you are answering a question you will only want to look away and then make sure you look back to engage the person you are talking to again.
When doing a presentation you do not want the wrong kind of body language that would include:
· head down,
· not engaging the audience,
· Having your hands in your pocket.
· holding objects in front of you could come across as nervous,
· crossing your arms can be defensive,
· And resting your hands behind your head can be a sign of disinterest.
This could all affect if you get the job or not and how you come across to the person who is interviewing you.
Written communications barriers
Document Structure barriers
One of the barriers in written communications could be poorly written documents and could be because of how it is laid out and that could be because of the kind of colours they are using or poor choice of font.
It could be because of the font sizes in the document could be different sizes for example too small or too large. To make sure that the document that you are using is in a logical order is to use formatting to make sure that the bold, italics and underlining is used appropriately. Make sure the document is in a logical order and not all over the place. Make sure that the right use of headings and sub-headings to show what you are trying to say to people.
They might not identify what they trying to get across in what they are saying. Another big problem with written communication is spelling and grammar, you will want to make sure what you are saying is spelled correctly and making sure that the grammar is right because the person who is reading it might not take it seriously because what you are saying will not make sense. If document contain spelling and grammar errors the message may not be read correctly.
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