Learning styles


Learning Styles

Everyone has a different style of learning. People will learn in different ways depending on the circumstances. You will find most people will have mixture of styles but will have one particular style that is dominant.

They would tend to learn better to go ahead and just do things then to think it through and talk about it. They would also prefer to work in groups

They are the opposites of active and would rather think things through and talk about it and would prefer to work on there own.

They like to learn facts, they like problem solving, they are normally patient with work they are good at remembering facts they get. Sensors don’t really like courses they wouldn’t really have a connection to the real world.

They like to be challenged when they work, they don’t like to be rushed when they work. They often prefer to work on there own or with other intuitive thinkers. They would have a great deal of patience when they work.

Visual learners would tend to take information in better when they a re looking at diagrams, graphs and pictures when working. They would tend not to be as good at written work.
Verbal learners would learn better when they have written and spoken explanations.

They tend to take logical steps when working out a problem. They tend to take notes and divide label them.

They may be able to solve problems at a quick rate

My Learning style

I have taken a test to see what kind of learning style I have and these are the results:

Visual: 7 

Aural: 2 

Read/Write: 4 

Kinesthetic: 3

From taking the test it has showed that I am a mild visual learner. This means I learn better when looking at Images and graphs

 Here is a link to take test to find out your learning style

How will it help me knowing my learning style

Knowing my learning style will help me when I am trying to work. So now I will know the best way to work.

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